Saturday, August 22, 2020

Funeral Notice of Bernice Connelly Pratt

Bernice Hackley Connelly Pratt
     Belle Tisdale Booksh's Grandma Pratt died on 23   June 1890 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She was 83 years old, born 9 April 1807 in Scott County, Kentucky.

     She and her husband, Willia Henry Pratt, migrated to Arkansas about 1830 and then to Louisiana 1846.

     They had nine children:
Frances Ann and James William, born in Kentucky
Marion Franklin, Eliza Helen (Belle's mother), Valerie Catherine, Susan May, and Albina Sarah, born in Arkansas
Joel Eugene and Franklin Edward, born in Louisiana.

      She is buried in Magnolia Cemetery in Baton Rouge along with her husband who died in 1880.

Friday, August 7, 2020

1890 Letter from Frank Tisdale to Belle Tisdale


1890 April 29 Letter from Benjamin Franklin Tisdale, Jr. to Arabella Maria Tisdale Booksh
on Louisville, N.O. & Texas Railway Co. paper from Erwin, Mississippi, in ink on  8 1/4" x 10 1/2" lined paper, photocopy on thermal paper, location of original unknown, transcribed exactly as written.

My Dear Sister

     I recd yours of the 18th two or three days ago, but having nothing of any consequence to say didnt answer right off. You seem to be having some good times anyhow, well thats good; I havent had a good time since I come here & dont expect to either. I am still sick fact is I fell in the water when I had calo[mel] in me & my bones have ached ever since. Devil seize but I'm homesick. Poor Rob't gone to city I hope he will get sumpin but like you I think we're “unluquy dogs” nothin comes to us. So the dam papers are gone up well it cant be helped I suppose, I was relying on it to help you all along but its broken stick now. I will send you as

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much as I can spare but my sal this month wil be $35 a mity schmall chunk when $20 goes for board.    I know Mrs D. thinks badly of me for not riting but tell her I havent the spirits to write sick you no ever since work stopped Well Ive no more to say except I hope all are well Tell Bell & some of the kids to write Love to Mama grandma Aunt [L?] Bell and the rest.

       Your aff Bro


I enclose $25 for Mama

     Belle's brother Frank was born March 5 1860 in New Orleans. He was named for his father Benjamin Franklin Tisdale, Sr., who was always called B. F. Tisdale. He married Linnie Lusk on March 21, 1892 in Sharkey, Mississippi and they had one child Florence Tisdale born in 1893 and died in 1898 at age 5. His short and tragic life ended on July 18, 1893 in Erwin, Mississippi. His death was ruled suicide.